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20th Century A.D. The 1st century would be 0-99, the 2nd would be 100-199, etc. So the 2th century would be 1900-1999.

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Q: What number century was the 1900s?
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What century were the 1900s in?

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You would extrapolate the general fact that the 1900s were the 20th Century. 1935 being, by definition, in the 1900s, someone born in 1935 would have been born in the 20th Century.

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The 1900s stands for the early 20th century. This period of time would run between the years 1900 and 1910.

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1764 is in the 18th century. The century is always one ahead of the actual years. So the 1900s was the 20th century. We are currently in the 21st century.

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Probably 1100-1199 would be referred to as the 12th century. In our time, the 1900s were called the 20th Century.

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The ancient Greeks like Plato and Aristotle developed philosophical analysis. A+ 1900s