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you call the number 555-6789

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Q: What number do you call with the phone on nabooti?
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What cell phone number do you put in to call vince in nabooti poptropica?

You have to get the shovel and that is where you will find his number.

How do you call Vince in nabooti on poptropica?

the phone number is on the shovel in your items thingA pop. winner

What do i do after i got the cellphone and the shovel and everything else in Poptropica Nabooti. Who do i call on my phone and how do i get to see what is in the bag of the raider?

You call the number on the shovel. It will be the raider's number. He will walk away to answer his phone they open his bag.

How do you call Vince on the cell phone on Nabooti island?

His number is on the shovel (555-6789). Call him to distract him so you can grab his bag. (see related question)

What is supposed to fit in the Sphinx ring on nabooti island?

The Moonstone. It is in the knapsack that Vince has. If you call him on the cell phone, you can distract him and get it. (His number is on the shovel.)

How do you get the phone number for the Tomb Raider on Nabooti Island?

The leader of the tomb raiders is Vince Graves : his phone number is on the shovel. If you call him at 555-6789, he will be distracted and you can get into his bag. (see related question)

How do you use the phone in Poptropica Nabooti Island?

First fly from Nabooti to Giza which is at the very top of the map you get . Take out the phone and call this number. 555-6789. The director of the two guys standing in front of the maze will go into the tent to find is phone and the diggers will make a run for it.

Who do you call on the cell phone on nabooti island?

Get the blue lily from the Blue Nile Falls (left side) nd swap it for a turban at Nabooti. When you arrive at Giza, wear your turban and the tomb raiders will give you a shovel. The phone number on it is 555-6789. When you see Vince, call the number to distract him. His men run off and you can get the Moonstone from his satchel.

How do you get into the backpack on Nabooti Island?

You call Vince using the cell phone (his number is on the shovel, 555-6789). When he goes away, get the Moonstone from his backpack.

What is the cell phone number on poptropica nabooti island?


What do you do when you have the cell phone in poptropica island nabooti?

you call the guy in Giza with the phone and the number that is on the shovel. Then you go to his backpack and get the moonstone, and you use it on top of the weird building/statue and it will open.