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Q: What nutrient is vitamin d?
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The nutrient that can be considered both a vitamin and a hormone is?

Vitamin D is a hormone also.

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Is vitamin d a source of mineral?

No, vitamin D is a vitamin. Minerals are a separate nutrient category. However, vitamin D does aid in calcium absorption, and calcium is a mineral.

What nutrient has a non food source?

vitamin D human skin produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight

Which nutrient increases the absorption rate of calcium?

Vitamin D

What nutrient is the sun an excellent source of?

its a source of vitamin D.

Is everything called a vitamin a vitamin?

No, vitamins are by definition an essential nutrient that cannot be made by the body in sufficient quantities. Vitamin D is not really a vitamin. The human body can produce this nutrient and it is actually a hormone, not a vitamin.

What nutrient is found is fortified milk and cereal and sunlight help produce it in the body?

Vitamin D?

What is the vitamin that this nutrient is found in fortified milk and cerealsand sunlight helps produce it in the body?

Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin.

Which nutrient absorbs calcium from food?

Vitamin D absorbs calcium

What nutrients does sunshine produce in the body?

vitamine A witch will be transformed to vitamine D by the human body