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Q: What obstacles kept African nation's from developing strong economies?
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What do African nations rely heavily on for developing their economies?

They rely on Natural Resourses

Do many African nations today have specialized economies?

Yes.75% of African countries have specialized economies today - they depend on exporting one or two products.

Is Ethiopia a developing nation or a developed nations?

developing nation african countries are still developing

What obstacles slowed progress toward democracy for some African nations?

The obstacles that slowed progress toward democracy for some African nations was civil war, military rule, or corrupt dictators.

The economies of many African nations have suffered because those nations are forced to import what from western nations like the U.s?


The economies of many west african nations are harmed by?

Sucking my dick too much

Why is it difficult for developing nations to establish industrial economies?

If a nation is developing they need to build up the country. There are more rural areas without advanced technology to mass produce products. Most developed nations have more industrial economies because they have the money and resources to do so.

What are four obstacles to growth in developing nations?

Economic Growth, High Population, Poor Development, Corruption

Competitive advantage of nations and its implications of implications on international business?

When businesses have a competitive advantage, then others will look to them to perform the work in international business. This will help improve the economies of developing nations.

A big problem challenging the economies of many African nations today is?

High unemployment rates is the major problem challenging many African nations today. Which has resulted in a number of social problems, since Africa has a large youthful population.

Why did the economies of many African nations fail after the gained independence?

Because the white colonialists raped the once prosperous continent of it's resources, and left the left the newly independent African nations with an infrastructure designed to fail, so that imperialist nations of the west could maintain control.

Why do nations establish trade barriers?

Tariffs are often created to protect infant industries and developing economies, but are also used by more advanced economies with developed industries. Read more in the related link.