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Jellyfish are ocean animals with radial symmetry.

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Q: What ocean animal has radial body symmetry?
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An animal that has body parts that extend outward from its center shows what type of symmetry?

radial symmetry

What are two main types of animal symmetry?

There are two main types of animal symmetry: bilateralsymmetry and radial symmetry. Bilateral symmetry is when you cut the object in half, it looks the same on both sides: Humans, cats, dogs, butterflies Radial symmetry is when it has body parts all around coming out of the middle: Sea Urchins, coral, sea anemones There are two main types of animal symmetry: bilateral symmetry and radial symmetry. Bilateral symmetry is when you cut the object in half, it looks the same on both sides: Humans, cats, dogs, butterflies Radial symmetry is when it has body parts all around coming out of the middle: Sea Urchins, coral, sea anemones

Which body plan feature evolved first radial symmetry or deuterostome development?

Radial symmetry

What animal shows the body symmetry similar to the symmetry of a slice of lemon?

A slice of lemon displays radial symmetry. This type of symmetry is typically seen in jellyfish and sea anemones.

What is radical symmetry?

Animals with radial body symmetry display a regular arrangement of body parts around a central axis, usually in a circular pattern. Creatures such as jellyfish and sea anemones have radial symmetry.

What can you infer about an animal based on its symmetry?

you can tell if an animal have bilateral symmetry if you cut the animal in half, (hypothetically) and both sides are the same

What is the body symmetry of hydra?

A hydra has two body shapes. The first one is known as polyp which has tentacles and the other body form is known as medusa.

Is a snail's symmetry radial or bilaterial?

The snail's body itself is bilateral symmetry. The shell it creates is not.A snail has bilateral symmetry but its shell has radial symmetry.PS. It is radial not radical.

Do seahorses have bilateral or radial symmetry?

Whale sharks, like all vertebrates, have bilateral symmetry. This means they have symmetry across one plane (known as the sagittal plane, and directly down the centre of their body), which means one side of their body approximately mirrors the other side.

What is a jellyfish that has a symmetry many line can be drawn?

Many jellyfish have four radial root canals and thus exhibit tetramerous radial symmetry. This form of radial symmetry means it can be divided into 4 equal parts

Body form that looks like spokes of wheels is what type of symmetry?

This is radial symmetry. Animals with radial body symmetry display a regular arrangement of body parts around a central axis, usually in a circular pattern.

What is the body division of a starfish?

A starfish has radial symmetry