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Loudness is determined by the amplitude of the sound waves.

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9y ago

Intensity. It is measured in decibel.

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Q: How loud a sound seems is determined by what measurement of the sound waves?
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What is determined by sound waves frequency?

The sound that you hear.

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Do decibels have light waves and sound waves?

The term decibel is a unit of measurement of the loudness of sound. It has nothing to do with light, which is measured in lumens.

What is the Unit of measurement for sound?

Sound waves are basically mechanical waves. i.e they require a medium to pass.The Unit of measurement for Sound is actually dependent upon what physical feature of sound do you wish to measure. The most commonly used units used are dB (decibel) and Hz (hertz).

How is frequency or pitch measured and how is the measurement related to hertz?

its a measurement of cycles per second of sound or other waves and Hertz is the scientist who invented the scale of measurement

What does Hz stand for and what does it measure?

Hertz, a frequency measurement unit equal to one cycle per second.

How is noise related with pitch?

Pitch refers to a sound with specific tones. The pitch of a sound is determined by the spaces between the sound waves. A sound is considered by noise by determining the level of loudness of the sound.

What is the type of measurement used for vibration?

Sound waves, though deeper into it, not much though, LOL., i do belive it is hectrepascals.

How low or high a sound seems?

Sound is pressure waves travelling through the air. The brain can detect the difference in sound frequency, based on the distance between pressure waves, by the ear which physically responds to incoming sound waves. Volume, frequency and direction are identified, then translated and sent to the brain as electrical signals.