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Squashes like the pumpkin.

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Q: What orange plant did the Indians show the pilgrims how to grow?
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How did the pilgrims get food when they ran out?

The Indians helped the pilgrims get used to planting in the rich fertile soil when the pilgrims came to America. The Indians trusted the pilgrims and showed them a new food plant,corn. After that happened, the Indians and the pilgrims had Thanksgiving. That is when Thanksgiving Day started.

Will orange juice make a plant grow?


What yellow vegetable did the Indians show the pilgrims how to grow?

They showed them how to make Squash.

How did the Indians treat the Pilgrims when you first arrived in Jamestown?

they showed them to grow vegetsbles,catch fish,grow crops,build houses.

How long does it take a plant to grow with orange juice?

it may grow because it contains water ..but it may not as it also containc citric acid .

What did the pilgrims grow?

They planted corn, squash, beans, and melons. The pilgrims would not have survived if Native Americans had not taught them what to plant and how to care for their plants.

Can you plant orange seeds in Georgia?

yes you can plant oranges in ga. but they might not grow

Can a orange plant grow with sprite?

I wouldn't think so.

Which Indian taught pilgrims to fish?

SquantoFAMILY FEUD:Name something the indians taught to the pilgrims.How to grow cornHuntingSharingThanksPeaceCookingHow to smoke

What did Squanto have to do with the first Thanksgiving?

he is one of the Indians who help the pilgrims survived, they also teached them to hunt and grow crops

What vegetables did the Indians teach the pilgrims to grow?

Tomatoes were considered poisonous.

How did the Jamestown pilgrims live and survive in the cold winter?

the pilgrims in Jamestown, Virginia lived by having food brought over to them. later on the natives helped the pilgrims by teaching them how to hunt and grow crops.