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Q: What organelle is active during vigorous exercise?
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What is most active during vigorous exercise?

mitochondria..because its the energy power house

Does blood flow to the kidneys increase during vigorous exercise?


What happens to the bodies heart rate and breathing rate during vigorous exercise?

it will increase

Are endorphins generated in the body during exercise?

There are certain endorphins that are released during vigorous exercise. These endorphins are called endogenous opioid peptides. These endorphins are also present in love.

When doing vigorous exercise such as running do you burn almost nothing but glycogen and hardly any fat at all?

Vigorous exercise does in fact burn a solid amount of fat, frequently more fat than less intensive exercises. It's true that a higher percentage of calories will come from fat during moderate exercise as opposed to intense, but the total number of calories burned from fat during intense exercise can be greater than moderate exercise.

Why does exercise make you warmer?

Vigorous exercise boosts your body's heat production and can increase ... Sweating helps to cool you during a vigorous workout. ... As your muscles warm up during your workout, blood circulating ... In hot, humid weather, your body is less able to dissipate excess heat, making overheating more of a risk.

What is likely to happen during vigorous exercise?

you will be stained and your body needs rest you cant do any work effectively and your hugryness increses

Why do peoples heart rates increase when exercising?

During vigorous exercise the heart is moving more oxygenated blood into the muscles, so it has to pump faster.

The human body depends on what to cool itself?

The human body depends on perspiration to cool itself down. Perspiration occurs during vigorous exercise or during high intensity activities.

What causes muscle cramping after vigorous exercise or repeated movement?

Muscle contraction and relaxation require salts which are lost through sweat during vigorous exercise. This causes some muscles particularly low in these materials to contract uncontrollably, creating a cramp.

What is the parts of the body that is mostly active during exercise?

the lungs (or if muscle workout, the limb in question)

What tissues have the greatest change in blood flow during exercise?

During exercise the trained body learns to redistribute blood from less active tissues like the digestive organs & kidneys to the heart & skeletal muscles.