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bacteria and amoeba

Bacteria reproduce by fission.Mitosis is involved in single celled eukariyotic organisms

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9y ago

Eukaryotic organisms use mitosis to reproduce sexually. In mitosis, the parent cell is divided into two daughter cells which be identical to the parent cell.

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Q: What organism uses mitosis to reproduce?
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What organism does not reproduce cells by mitosis and cytokinesis?


When does unicellular organism take place in mitosis?

when mitosis occurs in a unicellular organism (an organism made of just one cell) it generates an exact relica of itself thus it asexually reproduces.

Why is mitosis essential to an organism's survival?

It isn't ... except for those minority organisms that depend on sex to reproduce.

What is the purpose of mitosis in single-celled organisms?

The purpose of mitosis is to have a cell division which allows the cell to reproduce. During mitosis the cell is divided into separate organisms.Single celled organisms are no longer single celled if they undergo mitosis. If it is a single celled organism that is supposed to become a multicellular organism, it will undergo mitosis to grow.

Why doesnt bacteria reproduce by mitosis?

it does use mitosis, it doesn't reproduce by meiosis.

How do eukaryotes reproduce asexually?


What is the type of organism that uses mitosis for reproduction?

the type of Geo type your parents have becomes yours too

What kind of cells reproduce by mitosis?

Eukaryotic cells reproduce by mitotic cell division, which is mitosis and cytokinesis.

What is the function of mitosis?

The function of mitosis is simply to replicate or reproduce the cell - the most basic act of any organism. Also, growth of the organism and tissue repair, to ensure that each new cell receives a complete set of genetic information, asexual reproduction in some species.

How does the amoeba carry out growth in organism?

Amoeba, being single celled organisms, undergo a process known as Mitosis in order to grow and reproduce. Mitosis is a division of a cell in which the DNA recombines to increase genetic diversity.

Why does an organism have to reproduce?

the organism has to reproduce otherwise the species will go extinct.

What is when a cell is preparing to reproduce?
