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characteristic of non ruminant animals

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Q: What other characteristics of non-ruminant animals are there exept for having 1 stomach comparment?
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Related questions

What is the nonruminant?

This means it does not chew a cud. Having a one chamber stomach.

What are the six characteristics all animals share?

Common features of animals are organs, such as the eyes, heart, brain, stomach, intestines, lungs, etc.

What is an animals stomach called?

Most animals' stomachs are called a stomach

An animals stomach is called?

A stomach.

What primary characteristics of animals are not exhibited by the poriferans?

Poriferans (sponges) lack many common characteristics of animals such as a head or a mouth. Typically poriferans do not have eyes, ears, as well as other sense organs. Poriferans do not possess major organs such as heart, stomach, muscles, or even a nervous system.

Is the frog's stomach an organ?

Yes any animals' stomach is an organ.

What are polygastric animals?

Polygastric animals are animals that have four compartments in their stomach. Each compartment is separated by tendons. Sheep and cows are polygastric animals.

Where do most animals digest?

in there stomach

How are carbs stored in animals?

In their stomach

What are difference of simple stomach animals from compound stomach animals?

Simple stomached animals, such as dogs, pigs and horses (and humans) only have one chamber in their stomach. It is generally at a low pH such as pH 2-3. Animals with a compound stomach have a much more complex arrangement. They have four compartments to their stomach. These compartments are called the reticulum, the rumen, the omasum and the abomasum. The abomasum is similar to the simple stomach. THis arrangement is so the animal can ferment the food they eat. Animals with this arrangement are known as ruminants and include sheep, goats and cows.

Hairball in animals stomach?


What do you call animals that have a simple stomach?
