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Contour feathers.

Wait: I was wrong. The answer is remiges.

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Q: What outer wing feathers that allow birds to fly are called?
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Related questions

Why does a birds have wings?

Soft, downy feathers keep birds' bodies toasty and warm. At the same time, the waxy outer ones keep off the rain. More importantly, feathers allow birds to fly. Birds beat their feathered wings to lift off the ground and fly through the air.

Which animals has feathers as their outer coverings?

Eagle, Sparrow and Kingfisher.(all birds)

What is the different outer covering of bird and bat?

Birds are covered with feathers. Bats are covered with hair.

What outer covering does kiwi birds have?

That is an excellent question. The short answer is; a fun, tasty candy shell............ -or feathers.

What is an outer covering of an insect called e.g. scales hair feathers skin?

The outer covering of an insect is called the exoskeleton.

What is an emu's outer covering?

Like all birds, the emu's body covering is feathers,although they are fine and wispy.

What type of feather's do penguin's have?

Yes, like all other birds, penguins have feathers. Penguin feathers are short, overlapping and densely packed. The outer part of the feather is waterproof while the inner down section traps an insulating layer of air, keeping the penguin warm in the sometimes freezing water. Unlike those of flying birds, the feathers on a penguin wing are very short.

What are the uses of outer covering of birds?

The feathers, or plumage, of a bird have the following purposes:In many bird species, the male's brighter colouring or markings help attract a femaleWaterproofing - most birds have feathers that help to waterproof them against rain or the water of the habitat in which they liveCamouflage - many birds have plumage that enables them to blend in with their surroundingsInsulation - some species of birds, which live in colder climates, have feathers which are arranged and structured so as to insulate them better against the cold

What is the outer of a penguin?


Why are penguins considered as birds?

The characteristics of a bird is that is has feathers as its outer covering ,beak ,wings.The ability to fly is actually an exception. Most birds can fly while some bird's can't. Penguin is one of those exceptions which can't fly. Other examples will be ostrich and emu.

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What is a penguins outer covering?
