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Many individuals suffer from cold and flu symptoms. If one were in search of a medication that could be purchased over the counter for these symptoms there are many to choose from. A few of these include but are not limited to NyQuil, Tylenol and Vicks.

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Q: What over the counter drugs are available for cold and flu symptoms?
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How is a cold sore treated by doctors?

There are antiviral drugs available which have some effect in lessening the symptoms and decreasing the length of herpes outbreaks.

Are there any over the counter medications that contain amphetamine?

Most cold and 'flu' medicines contain small amounts of it.

What causes symptoms like a cold?

Usually viruses cause cold-like symptoms, such as the viruses that cause the common cold and the flu, but, other diseases and disorders can also include similar symptoms and so can toxic effects from chemicals and drugs.

Can a driver be charged with DUI for driving while under the influence of an over-the-counter cold medication?

A driver cannot be charged with a DUI for driving while under the influence of an over-the-counter cold medication, because DUIs are only for drugs and alcohol.

What was used for flu treatment before dimetapp was developed?

Dimetapp® was never a treatment for flu; it's a decongestant formerly prescribed to treat cold symptoms. (It is now available over-the-counter.) The Dimetapp® that's marketed for flu contains other ingredients and is used to treat symptoms--not the infection itself.

What is over the counter drug?

A legal medication you can buy without a prescription like Tylenol etc.

A driver can be charged with dui for driving while under the influence of an over - the- counter cold medication?

A driver cannot be charged with a DUI for driving while under the influence of an over-the-counter cold medication, simply because DUIs are specifically for drugs and alcohol.

Do any over the counter cold medicines contain penicillin?

No, penicillin is only available by prescription in the United States

What is over-the-counter drugs?

Over the counter medication allows people to freely acquire medications that they may need without having to wait for a prescription. Now, you definitely can't go to a pharmacy and get over the counter Vicodin, which is a very strong pain killer, but if you need some Aspirin or Tylenol, you can easily pick it up over the counter. Any medication you cannot acquire freely, over the counter, such as Vicodin, is known as under the counter.

How do you make swelling of cold sores go down?

You can try warm salt water or take a wet tea bag and hold it against the sore several times a day. You can buy Abreva over the counter which may help relieve symptoms. Visit your doctor if you have a large breakout since there are antiviral medicines available if you catch it early.

What are some remedies for common cold relief?

There are a variety of remedies that can be helpful to a person with the cold. Some include over the counter cold medication which can help deal with the symptoms. Others include home remedies such as a salt water gargle and chicken soup.

How do you relieve the symptoms of cold sores?

You can apply some ice to the sore and take some IB profin to help relieve the pain. Also over the counter oimtments or creams can be applied regularly to the sore to help relieve the symptoms.