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Q: What page did they describe sumiko's flower field?
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What is the female organ of a flower called?

The female organ is called the pistil. The pistil contains three structures: stigma, style, and the ovary. The top of the female organ is the stigma. The stigma is sticky or has hairs, enabling it to trap pollen grains. The style is usually stalklike, rises from the ovary. Ovules form in the ovary of the pistil. For more information you can go onto below website. Look at "Plant Reproduction" Go to page 613 and read to page 615. This will describe the different male and female parts of a flower and how reproduction occurs.

What does the pistol of a flower do?

The Pistol of a flower is the female part of the flower, which takes the pollen through the Stigma down the Style and into the Ovary, where the Ovules/Eggs are fertilized and become seeds, which eventually make it to soil by either the death of the flower or from simply falling out. For a diagram of this go to the following page look it up on Google images. THIS ANSWER WAS PROVIDED BY: ABLACKSHADOW :P

What is the function of the medium power objective in the compound microscope?

Medium power objective gives the medium (as oppose to large or small), field of vision and the greatest depth of field. When you move the lens' position (CLose or far from the slide) it would be the middle. Read the textbook it will be of more benefit; or look it up on the internet you are on anyways. Type [edu] with brackets for a page of more scholarly links (if their domain is .edu).

What is the CMC joint in your body?

The CMC joints in the body are joints in the wrist used as bases for the metacarpal bones. You can get more information about this at the Wikipedia. Once on the website, type ":Carpometacarpal joint" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.

DNA fragments can be separated and analyzed by?

Pulse field gel electrophoresis is used to separate DNA fragments by their size.