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There is no such thing as the Savanna Desert. The savanna is a semi-arid transitional biome between a desert and another biome such as a grassland. The largest is in Africa below the Sahara Desert.

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10y ago
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10y ago

There is no such thing as a Savannah Desert. A savannah is a transitional region or biome between a desert and another biome, such as a forest or grassland. They are still quite arid but do receive more rainfall, on average, than a desert. They can be found in a variety of areas around the world. The most famous, of course, is in Africa.

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10y ago

There is no 'Savannah Desert.' Savannah is a transition zone between a desert and another biome, such as a grassland or forest. While a sanannah is dry, it still receives more rain than a typical desert.

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9y ago

There is a savannah in Africa but it is not a desert. The sanannah is a distinct biome and not a desert. It receives more rain than a desert and is a transition region between a desert and a grassland or forest.

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13y ago

The difference is that the savanna has lots of grass , but the desert does not have a lot of grass, because it is too dry.

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9y ago

There is no such place as the 'Savannah Desert.' The savanna is a distinct biome, a transitional biome, and not a desert.

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12y ago

central East Africa

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Q: Where is the Savannah Desert located?
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Where are savannah deserts located?

There is no such place as a 'savannah desert.' Savannahs are grasslands and receive more rain than a desert. They are a distinct biome from a desert.

How tall can the grasses reach in the Savannah Desert?

There is no such thing as a 'Savannah Desert." The Savannah is a distinct biome and not a desert.

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The savannah-desert region is quite arid.

Where is the Savannah desert in Africa?

The Savannah is not a desert but it is a cross between a desert and a grassland. It is south of the Sahara Desert and is in mid-central Africa. Nigeria, Central African Republic, and South Sudan are countries in the Savannah. It can be spelled "Savannah" or Savanna"

What is a great summary for the Savannah Desert?

There is no such thing as the 'Savannah Desert.' The savannah is a distinct biome from the desert. It is a transition zone between two biomes such as a rainforest and grassland or desert. Savannahs receive more rainfall than a desert.

What are decomposers in the Savannah desert?

The savannah is not a desert. It is a distinct biome of its own, a transition zone between a desert and a grassland. Therefore, your question is invalid as written.

What is the monthly precipitation of the Savannah Desert?

There is no 'Savannah Desert.' The savannah is a separate biome and is a transition zone between a desert and another biome, such as a grassland. It receives a bit more rain than a true desert.

What are 5 producers in the Savannah Desert?

There is no such place as the 'Savannah Desert.' The savanna is a grassland and a different biome from a desert. It receives more rainfall than a desert.

What are some pros and cons about the impact humans have on the Savannah desert?

The Savannah is not a desert. It is a distinct biome, a grassland.

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Where is the Savannah Desert?


What are some animals in the Savannah desert?

There is no Savannah Desert. A savannah is a semi-arid transition zone between a desert and another biome, such as a grassland or forest. It is a distinct biome from a desert and receives more rainfall.The savannah is not a desert but a transition zone between a desert and another biome, such as a grassland or forest.desert snakes, scorpions, camelsThe savanna is a unique ecosystem that receives more rain than a desert but receives it in large amounts and then is dry for long periods of time. Some of the animals that live in the Savannah desert are: birds,reptiles,salamanders, horned vipers, squirpians, gerbils, cape hare, gazelles, deer, colorful iguanas, crocodylus niloticus (nile crocodyle), largatiga, hawk ,falcons and sparrows plus many more.