

What part of a tree indicate it's age?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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You can tell a trees age by counting the rings in its trunk.

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Q: What part of a tree indicate it's age?
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The xylem.

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its age

What is does the space between the rings tree trunk indicate?

The age of the tree

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Palms do not show growth rings.

Which part of the tree makes up the trees age?

The number of rings in its lower trunk shows the tree's age.

Are the top branches of the tree the same age as the trunk of the tree?

No. The trunk is the oldest part . Counting the rings of the trunk is how you tell the trrees' age.

How does one tell the age of a tree?

One can tell the age of a tree by cutting a part of a tree and then counting the rings as a tree produces a two-colored ring per year, a light spring portion and a dark summer portion.

Is there a simple though crude way of determining the age of a tree?

chop off the trunk and count the rims to the middle eg. (((())))) if that was part of the tree it's age would be 4 years old (NOT 8).

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Indicate is a verb.

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I believe it was called the ice age

Why can you only count rings on stumps of trees?

I think this question is incorrect, and should be What can be determined by the number of rings of a trees trunk; the answer of which is the age. Light and dark bands formed in the trunk equate to the summer and winter growth patterns of the tree. Count the dark (or light) rings and you can tell the age of the tree in years.