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Q: What part of afica live the homo habis live?
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Which part of the name homo erectus identifies the genus-?

The first part of the name homo erectus "homo" identifies the genus.

Where did homo sapein neanderthals live?

Neanderthals mostly lived in the western European and Asian part of the world.

Which part of the name Homo erectus identifies the genus?


Did homo habilis live in communities?

yes they did they lived in south africa and part of east africa, they lived in communities

Why are humans in the homo genus?

Homo Sapien is Latin for "Wise Man" - although "sensible or judicious" are alternatives to wise. The "homo" part indicates membership of the homo genus of which homo sapiens are the only surviving examples.

What does a two-part scientific name like homo sapiens consist of?

genus, then species (homo=the genus, sapiens=the species)

What species were Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals part of?

Neandertals are generally classified as their own species, Homo neandertalensis. Cro Magnon man is frequently classified as being our species, Homo sapiens.

Which major part of the world was settled by Homo sapiens last?

The Americas.

Are homo habilis more like homo erectus or more like the australopithecines?

Homo habilis is more like Homo erectus than the australopithecines. Homo habilis is considered part of the genus Homo due to its more advanced traits such as increased brain size and tool use, while australopithecines are an earlier group of hominins with more primitive features.

Who was Homo Aeserniensis?

Homo Aeserniensis is another name for the Homo Erectus remains discovered at a palæontology site located about 100 km (60 miles) north of Naples in part of the town of Isernia called La Pineta.

What type of man where in the Paleolithic era?

Homo sapiens and Homo neandertal both lived during the latter part of the Paleolithic era.

What evidence is proof homosapiens existed?

Humans are part of the family homo sapien.