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Cringe is a verb meaning to shrink back in fear or disgust

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Q: What part of speech is cringe?
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Would your husband who is unexpressive cringe if you start expressing your love for him in speech or writing and do romantic gestures to encourage him to do the same to you.?

He may cringe on the outside, but secretly like it on the inside. But don't expect him to do the same to you; allow him to express his love in his own way.

Can anyone use cringe in a sentence?

I cringe when I hear a squeaky hinge.

What is a sentence for the word cringe?

You could see the boy cringe as he was about to get hit.

Can you write a sentence using the word 'cringe'?

A simple sentence: Blood makes me cringe.

Cringe in a sentence?

Seeing his pain caused me to cringe in sympathy as I imagined how bad he was hurting.

What would be more likly to cringe a coward or a hero?

a coward ...a coward would cringe in fear

How do you spell cringe?

That is the correct spelling of the verb, to cringe (to bend or shrink in fear, awe, or horror).

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