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Q: Which part of the body could be damaged from taking anabolic steroids?
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Will steroids help with a tricep rupture that has had surgery?

Anabolic steroids could certainly help you recover size and strength of a previously injured muscle.

What would be the most likely out come if a young man were using anabolic steroids?

He could develop breasts and high blood pressure.

What if a woman gets pregnant by a man taking steroids are there side effects to the baby?

I think it would only affect the baby if you were the one using steroids. Discuss this with your doctor.

Explain the harmful effects of stimulants depressants hallucinogens anabolic steroids and inhalants on the body?

The harmful effects of stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, anabolic steroids and inhalants on the body are different for each thing used. Stimulants can lead to the heart beating too fast while depressants could slow the heartbeat down too much.

Is fasting a anabolic reaction?

it could be anabolic and catabolic

When you stop taking the steroids will the sarcoidosis come back?

It could, speak to your doctor about your medications and follow your doctors advice. Do not just stop taking the steroids! You must be weaned off them gradually. It is very dangerous to just stop taking them by yourself, especially if you are on a high dose.

Are steroids good for body builders?

Well there are two types, one that makes your muscles bigger and the other is if you have a very bad pain, it's used as medication for it. Steroids have many side effects that can be very deadly. Not only are steroids bad for you but they can make your testicles shrink and affect your ability to have kids.

Is it right to use steroids?

Anabolic steroids? If you have the hookups, can pay for it, want huge muscles and a tiny dick then sure. actually, not all steroids lead to greater muscle mass. Some are used for getting stronger. others, for getting leaner. And contrary to popular belief, steroids will not make your penis smaller, though your testicles could potentially shrink if you stay on them for too long, take too large a dosage, or do not do a Post Cycle therapy.

Has the wrestler Kane ever taken steroids?

No, as far as it is known, Glenn was never on steroids. He does not seem to suffer from visible body signs after taking steroids. Also his loss of weight in 2002 was caused by his bicep injury, after which he could never work out as much as before.

Can you use testostrone cream instead of steroids for asthma?

No, steroids used for the treatment of asthma are not the same as testosterone. Asthma attacks often have two phases, the initial attack then a recurrence a few hours later. Using the wrong type of steroid (like testosterone or anabolic steroids for sports/bodybuilding) in the place of an inhaled corticosteroid (albuterol, etc) could result in death if either attack were serious enough.

Why would a vet use anabolic steroids on a cat?

Anabolic Steroids helps to build muscle tissue and also increases the production of red blood cells. Which in my cats case, his WBC is extremely high. We are now using a different antibiotic as the Amoxi/Clav had no effect. Charlie now on Doxycycline for 3 weeks. When I asked my vet what we could use to boost his immune system she suggested an anabolic for the reasons above. Hope to start those soon. I trust my vet, but I always do the research in the event I have questions ..... can't ask if you don't know what to ask..... Good luck all, Jes

How do you repair a damaged wire harness for 1994 GMC Suburban?

maybe you could try taking it to the mechanic