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The frontal lobe.

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Q: What part of the brain has the most traumatic brain injuries?
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Most complicated part of the brain?

Cerebrum..The largest, and most complicated part of the brain

What is the most essentially human part of the brain?

The Cerebrum is the most essential part of the human brain.

The largest and most developed part of the brain is the?

The forebrain is the largest and most recently developed part of the brain.

How do you know that there is a functional segregation in the brain?

There is known to be a functional segregation in the brain because traumatic injury to specific portions of the brain cause specific and consistent deficits in functioning. Therefore, the injured part had a lot to do with that particular function.

Why does a person lose sense of smell after suffering a traumatic brain injury?

It depends on which part of the brain was injured - not all people lose their sense of smell. If the part of the brain that controls that sense is injured, then you will lose the ability because the brain cells are damaged and don't work to report smells like they used to.

How can brain injuries impact someone's life?

Depending on the part of the Brain that has damage it can keep people from walking, speaking, memory, perceptual motor, visual problems, gross motor problems, learning, have seizures, affect hearing, and most body functions. The brain is the computer of the body.

What is the largest and most recently developed part of the brain?

The forebrain is the largest and most recently developed part of the brain.

What do you call the inner most part of the brain?

It is the Zanatod of the brain.

Which part of human brain is most developed?

that is fore brain

What is the most prominent portion of the human brain and why?

The cerebrum is the biggest part of the human brain.

What is true concerning a mild traumatic brain injury?

Acquired brain injury (ABI) is characterised as a brain injury which has occurred after birth, and is not the cause of any genetic or congenital disorder. A "mild" ABI could be considered as a brain injury which does not have a profound impact on the brain functioning or the sufferers behaviour, or could be considered as temporary.

What part of the brain does the most work?

The part that desires WIKIANSWERS