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Q: What part of the sentence does a predicate nominative rename?
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What part of speech is variety in this sentence- Shield volcanoes are the third variety of volcanoes?

In the given sentence, "variety" is a noun acting as "objective complement" or "predicate nominative".

What part of speech is asleep in you fell asleep?

Asleep is a predicate nominative.

How do you know when to use the word I or me in a sentence?

By analyzing the sentence to determine what function the word is serving in the sentence. If the word is part of the subject of the sentence or a clause in the sentence, is a "predicate nominative", is a "nominative of address" or is a "nominative absolute", or is an appositive to one of the previously mentioned uses, "I" should be used, because all of the noted uses require a nominative case. For any other function in a sentence, the objective case form "me" should be used.

When you use a predicate noun?

A predicate noun (also called a predicate nominative) is part of the predicate of a sentence rather than being the subject. A predicate noun follows a linking verb. The predicate noun is used to tell what the subject is, was, became, look, seem, etc.Jason is my cousin.Lucy's favorite color is yellow.When we were kids, we were called The Moppets.

What are the 2 kinds of subjective object?

1. Predicate Nominative- a noun or pronoun that renames, identifies or explains the subject. (only with linking verbs)2. Predicate adjectives- an adjective in the predicate part of the sentence that modifies the subject.(only w/ linking verbs)

What is panaguri?

it means predicate. A Predicate is part of a sentence.

What are the nominative pronouns?

A pronoun in the nominative case is used as the subject of a sentence or a clause. A nominative pronoun also functions as a predicate nominative (also called a subject complement, a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject).The nominative pronouns are: I, we, he, she, they, and who.The pronouns you and it are used as a subject or an object in a sentence.Example uses:We can go to school together. (subject of the sentence)The car that he drives is very old. (subject of the relative clause)You should do what's best for you. (subject of the sentence and object of the preposition 'for')The first person to arrive is she. (predicate nominative, restates the subject noun 'person')The Browns came to visit and they brought the baby. (subject of the second part of the compound sentence)It is raining but the weather report didn't call for it. (subject of the sentence and object of the preposition 'for')

What are sentences using Subject-Linking Verb-Predicate Nominative?

Some example sentences (subject-linking verb-predicate nominative): My mother was a Jackson. (mother-was-Jackson) This cake is a new recipe. (cake-is-recipe) The Statue of Liberty is a well known monument. (Statue of Liberty-is-monument) These apples are golden delicious. (apples-are-golden delicious)

What are examples of nominative pronouns?

The nominative pronouns are the pronouns that are doing the action, they function as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the predicate nominative following a linking verb.The nominative pronouns are: I, we, you, he, she, it, they, and who.The objective pronouns function as the object of a verb or a preposition.The objective pronouns are: me, you, us, him, her, it, them, and whom.Note: you and it function as both nominative and objective pronouns.Examples for nominative pronouns:I saw that movie. (subject of the sentence)The cake that we made is for the bake sale. (subject of the relative clause)Look, the person with the highest score is you! (predicate nominative following the linking verb 'is')When George got to 19th Street, he got off the train. (subject of the second part of the compound sentence)Mona will pick us up. She said to be ready at six. (subject of the second sentence)The horse took a drink as it stood by the pond. (subject of the second part of the compound sentence)They say it will rain today. (subject of the sentence)The man who called left a message for you. (subject of the relative clause)Who was that masked man? (subject of the sentence)

What is a nominative singular pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.A singular pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun for one person or thing.A nominative pronoun (also called a subjective pronoun) is a pronoun that functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as a predicate nominative (also called a subject complement).The nominative singular pronouns are: I, you, he, she, it, and who.The pronouns you and it can be nominative or objective.The pronouns you and who can be singular or plural.Example uses:I saw that movie. (subject of the sentence)Look, the person with the highest score is you! (predicate nominative following the linking verb 'is')When George got to 19th Street, he got off the train. (subject of the second part of the compound sentence)Mona will pick us up. She said to be ready at six. (subject of the second sentence)The horse took a drink as it stood by the pond. (subject of the second part of the compound sentence)The man who called left a message for you. (subject of the relative clause)Who was that masked man? (subject of the sentence)

What I really need from you is some sympathy what is the part of speech represented by the letter C on this diagram?

predicate nominative

Nola and I prepared dinner for the family. How is the nominative pronoun used in the sentence?

The nominative pronoun "I" is part of the compound subject of the sentence.