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Q: What patterns do you see between the most populated cities and population density?
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Highly Populated

What is the different between population density and population distribution?

The way in which people are spread across a given area is known as population distribution. Geographers study population distribution patterns at different scales: local, regional, national, and global. Patterns of population distribution tend to be uneven. For example, in Ireland there are more people living in the south and east than in the border counties and the west. Population density is the average number of people per square kilometre. It is a way of measuring population distribution. It shows whether an area is sparsely or densely populated. Population density is calculated using the following formula: Population density = total population divided by total land area in km²

Which country is densely populated?

The most densely populated sovereign nation is Monaco, with a population density of 16754.

Is England highly populated?

Yes, the population density is quite high.

How are population density and population dispersal different?

Population density is how populated one section of a place is. Population dispersal is how well dispersed a group of people are among a place.

Is the Netherlands Europe's most densely populated country?

No, Monaco is. Monaco has a population density of 16,923/km2. The Netherlands is the 5th most densely populated nation in Europe with a population density of 403/km2.

What states in the US are mostly populated?

California is the most populated state with a population of 37,691,912 as of 2011. The most densely populated state is New Jersey, with a population density of about 460/km2.

What country in Asia has the largest population density?

The most densely populated Asian country is Singapore with a population density of about 6,489 per km².

Where is afghanistans highest population density?

Kabul is the most populated city in Afghanistan.

Which region has a high population density and can be called a megalopolis?

Tokyo/Yokohama region has the highest population density. Tokyo is the most populated city, and Yokohama is the third most populated city, and they are right next to each other.

What does the range of population tell you that density does not?

The range of population indicates whether the entire area is developed (urbanized) or if the population is divided between densely and sparsely populated areas. The average density may be much lower than the maximum density.Also: The population's range is descriptive of the area that the population habitates.