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6mo ago

Humans can use 100% of their brain. The popular myth that humans only use 10% of their brain is not true. Different regions of the brain are active at different times and perform various functions, but all parts of the brain are utilized to some degree.

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Q: What percentage of brain HUMAN CAN use?
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How much of the brain do you use?

A normal Human being can use its brain upto 10%. Normally of 10%, human being uses 1% to 2%. Out of these, Albert Einsteins had highest brain percentage which was 9.8%. A great miracle! Answer By- Nishant Upadhyay

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If you mean "How much percentage of water does a human brain have?", the answer is about 77-78%.

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It is currently believed that the brain is made up of 77-78% water.

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In percentage how much animal use his brain and how much human use his brain?

It is a common myth that we (mammals including humans, and other animals) use only a small percentage of our brains. We have so much information to process, store, recall, as well as basic bodily functions to manage that our brain is always in constant motion. More info on this and other fun brain FAQ here:

What percentage of his brain did Einstein use?

we all living beings use all of (nearly all of) our brain, i.e. approx. 100% of our brain.

How much percentage of brain is used?

There is a wide-spread myth that humans only use 10% of their brain. While no hard percentage has been published, studies of the brain and imaging technology reveal that almost all of the human brain is being used at any given time.

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