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Cervical ribs are extra ribs that grow closest to the neck. They occur in between one in 200 and one in 500 people.

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Q: What percentage of humans have a cervical set of ribs?
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How many vertebrae are in the thoracic spine in humans?

12 Thoracic FYI 7 cervical, 5 Lumbar and 5 fused Sacral

Where is t1 on the spine?

T1 is an abbreviation for Thoracic vertabra number 1. The spine has 7 bones in the neck, called cervical vertabae, and numbered C1 to C7. Below them are the twelve thoracic vertebrae, numbered T1 to T12. Each thoaracic vertabra is attached to a set of ribs. In fact, the definition of a thoracic vertabra is that it articulates with a set of ribs. So T1 is the first spine bone connected to the uppermost set of ribs, just below the base of the neck.

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What is the name of the horse with 1 pair of ribs?

None of the horse breeds have only one pair of ribs. There is, however, a breed of horse that has one LESS set of ribs than all other breeds -- the Arabian Horse.

Do men have more rib bones than women?

No both sexes have 24 ribs (a set of 12). A very small amount of people have 22 or 26 ribs, (en extra set, or a missing set) at birth.

How many vertebrae does the thoracic segment of the spine have?

twelve, 1 vertebrae for each set of ribs.

Does the thoracic segment of the spine include seven vertebrae?

The thoracic section of the vertebrae include 12 bones, one for each set of ribs.

Intercostal refers to?

Intercostal is a set of blood vessels. The blood vessels gives blood flow to the ribs.

Do female and male gorillas have the same amount of ribs?

Female and male animals of any species have the same number of ribs. The story in the bible about Adam's rib is a myth. Men and women have the same number of ribs, and every other bone. Gorillas and other apes are no different.

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Fall damage is based on percentage.