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The NRA doesn't keep those records any more.

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Q: What percentage of the NRA are police?
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What percentage of NRA members are creationists?

Since the NRA does not solicit or collect that information on its members, there is no way to know.

What is the average restaurant food cost percentage according to the NRA?


What What is the average restaurant food cost percentage according to the NRA?


What percentage of Americans belong to the NRA?

NRA claimed over 5 million dues-paying members in 2013, which would be just over 1.5%.

Are Republicans against hunting?

No. In fact a large percentage of gun owners are Republicans and members of NRA.

What percentage of NRA members are democrats?

That is a good question and it would be interesting to know. Anyone can join the NRA. There are an estimated 4.3 million members. The NRA has supported both Democratic candidates and Republican candidates. The NRA either doesn't know; because they haven't asked, or the are not telling because there are no published stats on this question or other facets of NRA membership.

What is the average restaurant labor cost percentage according to the NRA?

According to the National Restaurant Association (NRA), the average restaurant labor cost percentage typically ranges from 25% to 35% of total sales. However, this can vary depending on factors such as the type of restaurant, location, and operational efficiency.

If your research topic was on guns who could you call to get information?

I think I may start with the NRA, then maybe a police department, sportsmans club, are just three of the places you could start. You could contact the NRA, or ask in a local gunshop.

What percentage of crimes are reported to the police?

1/3 is reported to the police.

Where can you find NRA Pistol training in Maryland?

Mid-Atlantic Firearms Training provides safe and fun handgun training in Maryland and the greater Baltimore area. Instructors are NRA Certified as well as Maryland State Police Qualified Handgun Instructors.

Is the NRA a PAC?

The NRA is a very strong lobby in Washington D.C.

What does the NRA support and who is their target membership?

Principally, the NRA supports gun manufacturers.