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about 0.005 of one per cent.

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Q: What percentge of people would house Jews during the holocaust?
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Where was Adolf Hitler during the Holocaust?

At Your Moms House, Thats How You Came To This World

What were the most popular places to hang out in Paris France during the holocaust?

Your mom's house

Who was equipped to kill 6000 people daily during the Holocaust?

it was the chelmno concentration camp it was equipped with the best technology of that day with champers almost as big as a 3 story house

What kind of a house do people need during a monsoon?

they need a house made of jello

What happened to women when they were separated in the camps during the holocaust?

healthy females were chosen to work in the fields and house of German officers. sickly females were executed upon arrival.

How many Jews can fit in one house during the holocaust?

The number of prisoners placed in each Barrack varied by camp, so there isn't an exact answer but it was usually a few hundred.

What was the name given to Hitler's attempt to destroy the Jewish race?

The Holocaust From hol·o·caust 3. (usually initial capital letter) the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II (usually prec. by the). Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Is there a museum where Anne use to live?

Yes, the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is the museum located in the house where Anne Frank and her family hid during World War II. The museum provides a glimpse into Anne's life and the challenges faced by Jewish families during the Holocaust.

Do people wear socks into Japanese's house during cold weather?


How many people are in the White House?

There are hundreds of White House staffers who work there during the day. And during the night, there is a fairly large Secret Service detail.

what exactly is a mountain house?

A mountain house is a house on a mountain. Usually people spend time in a mountain house during the winters, where they can go sledding and snowboarding.

Who is the youngest person presently in the house?

If you are asking who was the youngest of the thirteen people in the house during the last supper . Then the answer is John.