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veins have valves in them that prevent backflow

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Q: What prevent blood from flowing backward in blood vessels?
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Values inside the veins prevent from flowing what?

Valves in the veins prevent the blood from flowing backward or from pooling.

What are the blood vessels that contain valves to prevent blood from flowing in a backward direction?

Pulmonary artery which contains pulmonic valve and aorta which contains aortic valve.

What parts of the heart the prevent blood from flowing backward?

The four heart valves.

What is the purpose of valves in blood vessels?

Valves are primarily found in veins. They are important because when blood is returning to the heart from places like the feet, they are moving against gravity. In order to prevent the blood from falling down to the feet as it rises back to the heart, valves are in place in order to prevent the blood from flowing backward.

What blood vessels contain valves and why?

Only veins contain valves. The valves prevent the backward flow of blood.

Flaps of connective tissue called prevent blood from flowing backward in the heart?

Valves. Mitral and aortic.

The vessel with valves that keep blood from flowing in the right direction?

Veins have valves to make sure that blood flows in only one direction.

How does the blood to a heart and lung keep flowing in the same direction?

There are two ways that blood is kept flowing in the same direction. The heart is pumping it in that direction, and blood vessels contain valves which prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction.

What is a flap of tissue that prevents blood from flowing backward?

a flap of tissue that prevants blood from flowing backward is

Which flaps of muscle keep blood from flowing backward through the heart?

Your heart keeps your blood "flowing"

What prevents blood from flowing backward into the veins?

valves in the veins

What heart structure prevents blood from flowing backward?

heart valves