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The moon has no effect on which mood a person is in.

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Q: What phase of the moon causes the manic side of bipolar disorder?
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What are the poles in bipolar disorder?

Manic and Depressive. Manic is extreme happiness or hyperness while depressive is well.. depression. Bipolar is like a meter there are highs, lows, and middle. For Bipolar Disorder the high would be Manic Phase, the Low would be Depression Phase and the middle would be Neutral

What disorder causes someone to talk too much not allowing others to converse?

Hypomania phase of Bipolar Disorder (formerly known as Manic Depressive Psychosis).

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Excessive talking or talkativeness or wordiness that is characteristic especially of the manic phase of bipolar disorder

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SAMe is not suitable for patients with bipolar disorder, as it may amplify the manic phase of the condition.

Does bipolar disorder affect speech?

Depends. In the manic/hypomanic phase, speech generally speeds up and can become more eloquent.

Is it possible to be bipolar and depressed at the same time but hide your feelings so well?

Depression is a part of bipolar disorder, and yes it is possible to hide it. It's not healthy, but it can be done. What's harder to hide is the manic phase of bipolar.

How is bipolar disorder treated?

The typical treatment for bipolar disorder consists of different medicines for the depressive and manic phases. Typically, you will be placed on an antidepressant, such as Prozac or Zoloft as well as lithium for the manic phase. You or your family may be asked to keep a daily record of your mood and mental functioning to assist the doctor in fine tuning your medication levels.

How hard is it to work 40 hours with bipolar disorder?

Lots of people who have a bipolar disorder still work a 40 hour week or more; the illness can be controlled by mood stabilizing drugs. And even if it is not controlled, a person in the manic phase of the disorder has enormous ability to work, even beyond that of a normal person.

Is Bipolar Disorder useful?

The depressive phase is a pain, impairs functionality and is definitely not useful. Generally, in bipolar I, the manic phase also impairs functionality; ie is not useful. However bipolar II replaces mania with hypomania, which is correlated with high functionality and increased creativity. For those who need flair and imagination, bipolar II can indeed be useful during the hypomanic phase although the depressive phase is still the same hell as ever.

Is lithium good for your mental health?

It's used for bi-polar disorder to even out the patient's mood.

Can obsessive disorder be a part of bipolar disorder?

Some people have OCD and they don't have Bipolar disorder, but, they can get extremely irritated with their OCD which enables them to get annoyed and angry. Some people who do have OCD, do also suffer from Bipolar disorder, but not all people.