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Through meiosis, four haploid cells/gametes are made.

Haploid cells/gametes are sperm and eggs. In humans, they each have 23 chromosomes so that when they unite, a zygote is formed. Also know that the cells after that are known as diploids because they have 46 chromosomes in each cell.

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12y ago
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9y ago

Meiosis results in four genetically nonidentical daughter cells.

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10y ago

One parent cell produces four daughter cells. Daughter cells have half the number of chromosomes found in the original parent cell and with crossing over, are genetically different.

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Telophase II

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telophase II

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12y ago

Gamete formation in males. It makes sperm

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Q: What phases of meiosis results in the formation of four unique cells?
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Meiosis is a type of cell division that results in four genetically unique sex cells.

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What is the two events unique to meiosis and describe?

Meiosis is a special type of cellular division because it results in cells which have half the number of chromosomes as the original cell. Meiosis produces 4 gametes (sex-cells) from one original cell. These gametes are involved in sexual reproduction.

Is crossing over unique to meiosis?

Yes. Crossover only occurs in prophase of meiosis I. Becuase it does not occur in mitosis, all the cells in our body are supposed to have the same genetic information (of course, excluding the cases where somatic mutations occur, such as in cancer).

What is the major focus of meiosis 1?

The major focus of meiosis 1 is to reduce the chromosome number by half. This is achieved through the processes of homologous chromosome pairing, crossing over, and separation of homologous chromosomes. Meiosis 1 results in two haploid cells with unique combinations of genetic information.

How do you review stages of mitosis and meiosis and can identify the steps in drawing and descriptions?

Mitosis is the process of Repeat Division into daughter cells identical to the mother cell, Meiosis, instead has 2 stages, which the first one is called Meiosis I and its the process of Reduction Division. stage 2: In an easier format, Mitosis is not exactly, but very similar to Meiosis II, the names of the phases are the same. the only difference are the number of chromosomes inside the unique cell, and the combination of chromosomes (because to remind yourself, in Prophase of Meiosis II Crossover occurs, meaning it take a piece of the previous chromosome.

What is unique to mitosis and not a part of meiosis?

homologous chromosomes behave independently Pairing of homologous chromosomes allowing independent segregation and crossing over is unique to meiosis. In mitosis, homologous chromosomes behave independently.

Which type of reproduction involves meiosis and creates offspring that are genetically unique?

Sexual reproduction.

Does meiosis make haploid or diploid cell?

Meiosis makes 4 genetically unique haploid cells. Mitosis makes 2 diploid cells.

What happens to a parent cell at the end of meiosis 1?

the formation of two daughter cells with genetically different material (from each other and from parentbecause of the crossover of the chromatids during prophase 1, the chromosomes at the end of Meiosis 1 will be unique in each cell.This is the reason why siblings don't look the same, yet they look similar to each other and resemble slightly to their parents

What happens to the cell at the end of meiosis 1?

the formation of two daughter cells with genetically different material (from each other and from parentbecause of the crossover of the chromatids during prophase 1, the chromosomes at the end of Meiosis 1 will be unique in each cell.This is the reason why siblings don't look the same, yet they look similar to each other and resemble slightly to their parents