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Q: What place did new zealand come in the rankings for the 2012 olympic games?
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Would hosting the Olympic Games in New Zealand be a good or bad thing?

Bad, too small of a place

Where do most olympic games take place?

Olympic games can take place anywhere in the world. Past Olympic games have been in Atlanta, GA, Russia, Beijing, and Greece.

In 2004 who won the mens triathlon please tell?

2004 Olympic Games in Athens. The Men's Triathlon was won by Hamish Carter of New Zealand, 2nd place was Bevan Docherty also from New Zealand.

What was the most prestigious festival in which athletic competitions took place in Greece?

the Olympic Games .

Which place has not held the Olympic games?


Where do the Olympic games take place and which one is first?

Olympic games were initially started in in the city of Athens in 1896

How many modern era olympic games have there been?

Although the most recent (2008) games was the 29th Olympiad, only 26 Olympic games have taken place. The Olympic games did not take place in 1916, 1940, or 1944 as scheduled due to the world wars.

What 3 sports made there debut at the 2002 summer Olympic games?

The Summer Olympic Games did not take place in 2002.

What place did the Olympic Games start?

athens , greece

When and where did the revival of the olympic games take place?


Where will the next olympic games take place?


Was Beijing the right place to hold the olympic games?
