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According the Old Testament, Pharaoh finally allowed the Hebrews to leave Egypt after the Tenth Plague: Death of all Firstborn Egyptians.

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Q: What plague finally convinced Ramses to let the Hebrews go?
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What city did the israelites leave after the last plague?

They left the city of Ramses (Exodus 12).

Why is the 10th plague significant in regards to passover?

It was the plague after which Pharaoh finally freed the Israelites.

Which story was Moses in?

Moses was in the Book of the Exodus, which describes the life of Moses. Moses was sent down the Nile River by his mother to save him from his death. The Pharaoh's wife finds Moses and takes him as a sign from the gods. Moses grows up as a prince of Egypt with Ramses II. Soon, Moses finds his sister, also finding out that he is not an Egyptian, but a Hebrew. He runs away from Egypt after killing an Egyptian while trying to protect a Hebrew slave. He lives in the desert for many years living with a tribe of Hebrews. One day, Moses finds the burning bush and received a message from God. He says that Moses must go back to Egypt to free his people. So Moses did as told, but the pharaoh, Ramses II, did not free the Hebrews. God got angry, and sent 10 plagues down on Egypt consisting of insects and gross bugs. On the last plague, Ramses's son died. Ramses agreed to have Moses's people go. when they made it to the Red Sea, Ramses decided to take back the decision and send his troops out to retrieve the Hebrews, but God let the Hebrews go through the Red Sea without harm and flushed all of Ramses's troops. Moses finds Canaan with all of the other Hebrews and lives a good life.

How did God help Moses convince the Pharaoh to let the Hebrews leave Egypt?

Well, ya see, Pharoah was a hard headed egotistic man. He was not easily convinced. God through a cluster of plagues upon Pharoah and Egypt. The more Pharoah resisted God's command, the worse the plagues got. FInally, God had a plague sent as "The messenger of Death" went around Egypt, taking the souls of the first born son's in Egyptian families. This seemed like a revengeful plague, as Pharoah Ramses I had initially killed the first born children of the Israelites long ago. So, Pharoah's son had died, and now in his agony and pain, he let the Israelites go. He had a change of heart at the end, but lost anyway, because none has the strength to go against God, who is almighty.

Why did the ancient Hebrews leave Egypt?

During that time the ancient Hebrews also known as Jews were slaves of the Egyptians. They were not treated very well, they were treated very cruel and forced to do the work of the Egyptians such as building enormous statues and farming. In the Bible it explains that a man named Moses, who was found by the wife of the Egyptian King when he was a baby. He was found in a basket in the Nile River, even though the wife knew the baby was a Hebrew or Jew she kept him and told no one. when he grew up someone i believe in the palace told the king that his son was a Hebrew and that he could no longer become the next king to the thrown. His brother Ramses would take the thrown and Moses would be a slave. either moses ran away or he was abandoned from Egypt and left. He would then find the burning bush which was the spirit of God that over took it. the spirit of God tells moses to free the Hebrews out of Egypt and he does except Ramses was very stubborn. When ramses tells moses no the first time moses tells God and then moses is then order to warn Ramses to listen or else many bad things will happen known as the "10 plagues of Egypt" (look up the plagues of Egypt and you will find a list of what happened to the Egyptians) scientist even have proof of the plagues having happened) By the last plague moses was able to take all the Hebrews out but then Ramses decides to chase them back. When Moses and the Hebrews come across the Red sea he uses his staff to separate the waters with the power of God allowing them to get across. Scientist also have proof of this. when they got across he let go and the waters washed the Egyptian soldiers away.

What were the steps that finally brought the Black Death under Control?

With the discovery of cells and microbes hundreds of years later, the plague was discovered for what it truly was, shortly afterward scientists discovered the origins of the plague (the fleas and rats) and were then equipped with the knowledge to fight the plague.

Why some israelites migrated from Egypt?

According to the Bible, many Hebrews had gone down into Egypt because there was a famine in Canaan and they had no food. Instead of returning home to Canaan, they stayed in Egypt for a long time. The number of Hebrews living in Egypt grew very large. This upset the pharoah who became afraid that the Hebrews would become powerful enough to upset his rule. To prevent this, he made the Hebrews (also called Israelites) into slaves. Treatment of laborors in Egypt was cruel during the time of the Israelites' bondage. In this wall painting from a 15th century B.C. tomb, a farm overseer is thrashing a slave while another slave begs for mercy. According to the book of Exodus, it was treatment like this that caused Moses to kill an Egyptian and run away from Egypt. After more than 400 years of slavery, in the early 1200's B.C., Moses was born. Although an Israelite, Moses was raised in the pharoah's household. This pharoah was probably Ramses II. According to the Torah, God asked Moses to ask the Pharoah to let the Israelites leave Egypt. Pharoah refused. God gave Moses miraculous powers, including the ability to cause outbreaks of disease and destruction called plagues. Each time a plague happened, Pharoah promised to let the Israelites go, but each time he changed his mind. Finally, according to the Torah, a plague came in which the first-born child of all the Egyptians died - even Pharoah's son. After this terrible plague, Pharoah finally let the Israelites leave Egypt. Here's the website for more info! God Bless!

When did the black plague finally leave Europe?

The plague peaked in Europe during 1348-1350. The plague began in the late 1320's and 1330's and resurfaced on multiple occasions until 1738.

How do the victims of the Black Plague finally die?

with great big purple marks all over their body and also in a great deal of pain.

What is the real meaning of Passover?

Passover is a Jewish and Samaritan celebration of the Hebrews' escape from bondage in Egypt. In the book of Exodus, in the bible, God sent ten plagues among Pharoah and the Egyptians to get Pharaoah to free the Hebrews. On the tenth plague, God warned the killing of the first born child of every home, with the exception of the Hebrews' home with the blood of a lamb spread on their doorpost. That night, God sent his holy spirit, and the homes with the blood of the lamb on the doorposts were passed over, creating the term passover. As a result, Pharoah freed the Hebrews.

What psychological effects did the black death have on the people?

The Black Death was believed to have been a plague from God in the Middle Ages, so people were convinced that they had committed serious sins. During the years of the Black Death's spread, people lived in a constant state of fear and repentance.

Why was bread so important to Hebrews?

It goes back to when the Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt. Moses was trying to convince the pharaoh to free them and the pharaoh kept refusing. Moses then unleashed ten plagues on Egypt. After the tenth plague, the pharaoh relented and said the Hebrews were free. While packing, they did not have time to bake bread, as they were afraid the pharaoh would change his mind. This unleavened bread is now called matzah, and is eaten on Passover, the holiday celebrating the liberation of the Jews from Egypt.