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Saturn was named after the Roman god of the harvest.

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Q: What planet was named after the god of harvest?
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Which planet was named for the gods of agriculture?

Saturn is named for the Roman god of the harvest.

Was the planet Saturn named after the God of dog grooming?

No, Saturn is named for the Roman god of the same name, a god of time and harvest.

Why was the sixth planet named after the Greek god Kronos?

It wasn't it was named after Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture and harvest, Saturn is identified with Kronos father of Zeus.

Which god was the planet of Mercury named after?

the planet Mercury is named after the god... Mercury!

The planet Saturn is named after the Roman god of what?

Saturn, known in Greek mythology as Cronus was the Roman God of agriculture, justice and strength.

What god was the god of the harvest?

Saturn is the Roman god of harvest or reaping, and Demeter is the Greek goddess of the harvest.

What greek god was Saturn named after?

Saturn was named after the Roman god of agriculture

Witch planet is named after the roman God of War?

There is no planet named after the Greek god of war.There is however a planet named after the Roman god of war, which is Mars.The Greek god of war is Ares. He does not currently have a planet named after him.

What was the planet Saturn named after?

Saturn was named after the Roman god of agriculture. In Roman mythology Saturn was the father of Jupiter. Saturn is also named after the Roman god of time because it was the slowest planet that the Romans saw that orbited the sun, and god of time was very slow. -Kareena Kapoor wrote this... The god of time is Kronos by the way

Which gods have planets or planetoids named after them?

The first planet from the sun, Mercury, is named after the messenger of the gods. The second planet, Venus, is named after the goddess of love and beauty. Earth, the third planet, is not named after a god. The fourth planet, Mars, is named after the god of war. The fifth planet, Jupiter, is named after the king of the gods. The sixth planet, Saturn, is named after the king Titan and the father of the gods. The seventh Uranus, is named after the god of the heavens and the father of the Titans. The eighth planet, Neptune, is named after the god of the sea. The dwarf planet Pluto is named after the god of the Underworld. The dwarf planet Ceres is named after the goddess of the harvest. The dwarf planet Eris is named after the goddess of discord and strife.

Is Saturn named after a roman god?

Yes Saturn is named after Saturn the roman god of harvest

Densest planet in solar system not named after god?

No the densest planet (Earth is not named after any god.