

What planets are death stars?

Updated: 11/20/2022
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12y ago

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A planets and stars are different things, so a planet can never be a death star.

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Q: What planets are death stars?
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What planet are the death stars?

Planets are not stars, and there's no such thing as "death stars".

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Planets orbit stars.

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stars, the planets have to get heat from stars

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Planets do not technically need their respective stars, but stars keep planets in orbit and provide heat and light to the planets.

Do planets and moons have stars?

On the contrary! A star has planets, which circulate it. And planets have moons. Stars do not circle planets.

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Planets and stars have gravity.

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The Solar System Makes the planets and the Stars.

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Planets orbit stars, stars orbit a galaxy. Planets are not "on" anything. A lot of stars out there have planets - we are just finding out how many now that we have better techniques to find them. So probably all galaxies have at least some stars with planets.

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An Astronomer is a scientist who studies the stars and planets.

Is stars planets?

No. Stars are like suns, around which planets may orbit.

What type of stars form planets?

None Stars are gas Planets are solid

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Planets orbit the sun. Stars do not.