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Q: What planets were discovered by a Filipino scientist?
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Who is ptolemety?

Ptolemey is a scientist that studied the planets and he discovered new planets in place.

Who explained why planets stay in their orbit?

Sir Isac Newton was the scientist who discovered why the planets stay in orbit.

Which scientist discovered that it was the pull of the suns gravitational attraction that kept the planets in their orbits?

It was Nicholas Copernicus. who discovered that the sun keeps the planets one Their orbit.

Who are the Filipino scientist and their characteristics?

characteristics of filipino scientist

Who are a Filipino scientist?

roberto s. salido filipino scientist

Have the scientist discovered any more planets in space or universe?"

Are there other planets that are discovered by the scientist aside from the 8 planets?

Yes there are. As far as I can remember: Eris and Sedna Im sure more will follow.

Is Dr Jose Rizal a Filipino scientist?

Yes is a Filipino scientist

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is charles babbage a filipino scientist

Why is Copernicus a courageous scientist?

Because he discovered the planets in the solar system and how far apart they are from each other