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Could it be a peony?

i think it is a peony too.

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Q: What plant has a large white carnation top pink large roselike petals umbrellad underneath large oval leaves?
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Related questions

Does the carnation have leaves?

Carnations do have leaves. They are glaucous grey green to blue-green.

Is a carnation a dicot or a monocot?

A carnation is a dicot. It's flower parts are in groups of four and its leaves have netted venation.

Is a carnation poisonous?

The flower of the carnation is not toxic. The stem and leaves are, to a small degree. Nobody has died from carnation poisoning as of yet.

How does a carnation absorb water?

Carnation blossoms are 2-3 inches and 16 to 18 inches tall.

Are carnation stems and leaves poison to babies and toddlers?

The stems and leaves are mildly toxic to humans and will cause gastric distress.

Will Carnation milk make plant leaves shiny?

Don't clean your plants with milk.

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How do capillaries underneath the leaves of plants protect themselves?


Why does grass not grow underneath leaves of a daisy?

because it can abosorb water

Is carnation a garden plant?

A vascular (tracheophyte) plant has a system of tubes or conducting tissues. Xylem transports water and minerals from the roots to the leaves. Phloem transports food from the leaves to the rest of the plant. Angiosperms are vascular and a carnation is an angiosperm (flowering plant). You can prove this by doing the color-changing experiment. Take a white carnation. Place the stem in water with food coloring added. The water travels up the xylem and the color is deposited in the white petals of the flower.

What are the labradors adaptations?

It is the white fuzz underneath the leaves that help it retain moisture.

What are the labrador tea adaptations?

It is the white fuzz underneath the leaves that help it retain moisture.