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hopefully sometime before next year (as I already understand it's a big issue).

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Q: What point will people believe global warming is an issue?
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What do people believe about climate changes and global warming?

People believe that man is causing global warming and climate change by burning fossil fuels and cutting down the forests of the world.Other people believe that global warming is a natural event and man is not causing it.Most believe that it is partially a natural issue that man is having some unknown affect on as well. This is where most scientists fall.Other people believe that global warming is not happening at all.

Why do people think that global warming is a Democrat issue when this is everyone's earth to try to take care of?

People think of it as a Democrat issue because the Democrats are the ones who are talking about it.Many people in the United States consider it a "Democrat issue" because the Democratic party, spearheaded by Al Gore, have embraced the concept that global warming is important.The idea that Democrats are the only people that accept the issue of global warming has always mystified me. There are certainly people on both sides of politics that believe the theory is valid.

Is pollution a global issue or a environmental issue?

Yes it is because it is global warming and any country has global warming for example the Netherlands it's due global warming if not that country will be in a hazard of flooding !

What is the biggest issue regarding global warming?

Effect of global warming seems to be uppermost

Do you Know any environmental issues?

A huge environmental issue right now is global warming, and overall depletion of the ozone layer. Global warming is a hot topic because some people still refuse to believe it is actually occuring.

What issue is affecting the earth?

Global Warming.

What is a global issue in Oceania?

Rising sea levels from global warming is a global issue. This is threatening many low-lying countries. It is a global issue because the warming is being caused by the actions of every country around the world.

How can others find out about the global warming issue?

They can't.

How has global warming become an issue to the world?


What is an example of an issue that is of international interest?

global warming

What is the 'green' movement?

the green issue is global warming

How is global warming connected to other resources?

Global warming is the main issue. It can cause various other environmental problems.