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Q: What policy arose out of changes in Latin America that told countries to stay colonizing the America's?
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What happens over time in a colonizing population?

It grows and changes in it's environment.

What changes were brought to world populations as a result of the European colonization of the Americas?

Europe dominated the Americas. Spain had the largest impact on the area, as it controlled the most land. This is why the majority of American countries are of Spanish origin (Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Chile, etc.). Languages, culture, food, ideas, religion, etc. were all brought in from the Europeans. Canada and the US are the two most Europeanized countries in the Americas, and perhaps the most Europeanized countries outside of the European continent. These two countries, sometimes also included is the remainder of the American countries, are included in the Western World (with Australia and New Zealand, an additional two Europeanized countries). The Western World is the region of Earth defined as being Europeanized. Although Latin America (which comprises of most of the Americas) is not really seen as Europeanized and is sometimes not included in the Western World.

What changes took place in the Americas as a result of this change?


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led to changes in america law that made slaves of future generations

What were two changes that occurred in Americas as a result of this exchange?

Taino and tenochtitlan

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it helps the Americas role become easier using the changes of the geographical and political map over 50 years following World War II.

What changes occurred in Spain as a result of the discovery of the Americas?

more slave trade with Africa. (:

List two changes that occurred in the Americas as a result of this exchange?

you are my brother man klow

What changes occured in Spain as a result of the discovery of the Americas?

more slave trade with africa. (:

How did religious changes in Europe affect the European colonization of the Americas?

Many of the native American tribes who were already in the Americas were overthrown by the Europeans such as the aztects being overthrown by Spanish conquistadors.

List two changes that occurred in the Americas ass a result of this exchange?

The Aztec empire has died and tenochitlan

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The reason Thomas Jefferson had a favorite country is because this is a big part of America is England