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The handle made of metal will be hotter, since metal conducts heat very well, and wood conducts heat very poorly.

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Q: What pot would be hotter A pot with a metal handle or a wooden handle?
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Why do screwdriver has a plastic or wooden handle?

It's cheaper and lighter than a metal handle would be.

Why do some cooking pots have wooden handles?

A metal handle would get almost as hot as the pot, especially if you are cooking something for an extended time. Wood and plastic does not conduct heat as well as metal, so a wooden or plastic handle protects you from the heat while you cook.

Why are tools heated before fixing wooden handles?

Fair Question !! I can only assume that as metal shrinks when cooling, this would grip the wooden handle firmly, and reduce the risk of the handle coming loose when the tool is in use.

Why does a metal bench feel hotter than a wooden bench when they are under the sun?

This is all down to how good a material can conduct heat. Metals conduct heat much more readily than wood. This means that if you were to heat the ends of 2 identically sized rods, 1 of steel and 1 of wood, (think of 12" steel and wooden rulers) the heat would travel down the steel ruler faster than the wooden one. So back to the bench - there are 2 things happening to make the metal bench feel hotter. 1) The heat from the sun would heat the metal faster than the wood because of the good conductivity of the metal, so the metal could actually be hotter. 2) If the metal and wooden benches had been in the sun long enough for them to have reached the same temperature, then because the metal conducts heat better than the wood, when you touch the metal bench it "feels" hotter because the metal is far better at transferring the heat away from itself and into your hand than the wooden bench is. This also works for cold items. A card/paper carton of juice taken from the fridge does not feel as cold as a metal can of drink standing next to it, again this is because the metal conducts heat better than the card/paper.

Does an iron spade have cells?

No unless it has a wooden handle i which case the handle would have (dead) cells

Why do most frying pans come with a plastic handle but have a metal bottom?

if it was a plastic bottom, it would melt. if it was a metal handle, it would burn you.

What is uses of wooden spoon?

to stir things. You would use a wooden spoon instead of a metal spoon because metal spoons are not good with pans.

What is the used of wooden spoon?

to stir things. You would use a wooden spoon instead of a metal spoon because metal spoons are not good with pans.

Does metal or foam keep water hotter longer?

In general, foam is a better insulator than metal, and so foam would be expected to keep water hotter longer under most normal circumstances.

Why would a metal chair be better for an overweight person than a wooden one?

Practically speaking a metal chair is a lot better for an overweight person than a wooden one because metal chairs is more able to support the overweight person than a wooden one.

Why can't the handle of a pot be metal?

It would get too hot

Are saucepan made out of wood or metal?

A saucepan has to have a metal body so that it can withstand the heat of the stove and not burn up, and the wooden handle allows you to pick it up without burning your hand (wood conducts heat much more poorly than metal does).