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George Washington set a precedent for the presidents to come, saying that they should not serve more than 2 terms (8 years)

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President Washington set several important precedents during his presidency. One of the most significant was his decision to voluntarily step down after serving two terms, establishing the tradition of a two-term limit for presidents. He also established the practice of delivering an inaugural address and created the position of the president's cabinet as a group of advisers. Additionally, he set the precedent of maintaining neutrality in foreign affairs.

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Q: What precedent did president Washington begin during his presidency?
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What was invented during George Washington presidency?

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What actions was not an example set by president George Washington?

One action that was not set by President George Washington was serving more than two terms as president. Washington voluntarily stepped down after serving two terms, setting a precedent for future presidents to follow. Additionally, Washington did not align himself with any political party during his presidency and warned against the formation of political factions in his farewell address.

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Louisiana purchase Lewis and clark expedition war with tripoli reduction of the army and navy decreased the size of the government departments, cut the federal budget repeal of whiskey tax chesapeake affair embargo act ^^ All of these are not true. Those were the EVENTS that happened during his presidency. An example of a precedent set by a president (George Washington) was that every future president will only serve TWO terms (1 year per term; 4 years in office). A precedent is something that someone, or a president, wants to trend.

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In the White House what room did George Washington's ceremony take place in after the wedding?

The White House did not exist during Washington's Presidency

Which were precedents set by George Washington during his presidency?

George Washington was the first President and almost a demi-god to many people. Consequently everything of any note that he did set a powerful precedent. He supported a strong central government and helped it set up an effective system of taxation. He created the "farewell address" and established a precedent regarding the two term Presidency which is now the law. He warned against keeping a standing army, a precedent that lasted over 150 years. He chose the form of address , Mr. President, for the president. He set a precedent in his use of the presidential veto only if he believed a law violated the constitution, not just because he thought it was a bad law. This precedent lasted until over 40 years until Andrew Jackson took office.

Which president took the oath of office and never lived in the White House?

George Washington is the only president never to have lived in the White House. He conducted his presidency from the President's House in Philadelphia, which was the capital of the United States during Washington's presidency. Washington oversaw the construction of the White House, but John Adams was the first president to live in it.

What was the name of the presidency of George Washington?

US Presidencies, the period of time during which an individual is President of the United States, are not given names.

Where was President Washington's home?

The Congress met in New York City during Washington's Presidency and he obtained housing there, but his home was always his Virginia plantation, Mt. Vernon.

Which presidents fought during their presidency?

George Washington