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it doesent bio degrade

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Q: What problems are caused by waste poly ethene?
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What are some macro molecules?

Proteins, starch, poly(ethene), poly(propene) and PTFE are examples.

Is polythene made from crude oil?

Yup!    Crude Oil -> Crude Oil Vapour --> Diesel Oil --> Ethene --> Poly(ethene)

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How is plastic made today?

Plastic is poly-ethylene. it is made by the polymerisation of ethylene or ethene and they add some chemicals to strengthen the bonds

What polymer is formed when lots of ethane molecules are joined together?

The plastic poly [ethene ]- polyethylene is formed.

What is the material on water pipes?

water pipes are almost always made of a polymer PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride)... it is a linear polymer with 1-chloro ethene as its repeating unit...

Is PVA glue vegan?

PVA (poly vinyl acetate) is synthetic and sometimes made from a process using ethene gas, acetic acid and oxygen. It is not derived from animal sources.

What chemicals are in a plastic bag?

Supermarket carrier bags are mostly poly(ethene) which is commonly called polythene. High density poly(ethene) will make thicker and stronger bags than low density poly(ethene). The strong ones that supermarkets sell you that have a 'woven' feel to them are poly(propene) otherwise known as polypropylene.

What is chlorine gas used to manufacture?

It is used to make things like poly(ethene) which is a type of plastics. It is used in many types of bleach and is widely used as a cleaning product. It is also used to keep swimming pools clean as it eliminates bacteria.

Are they roly poly or poly roly?

It is called roly poly

How does poly bags if disposed pf carelessly cause problems to animals and drainage system?

If poly bags are recycled correctly they are 100% recyclable. If they are not disposed of properly animals can eat the plastic or become entangled in the plastic.