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Through Photosynthesis.The plant absorbs the energy from sunlight using mall organelles (organs of a plant cell) called chloroplast witch capture light energy and uses it to combine the carbon dioxide and water molecules to make food and oxygen as a waste product. formula for it is 6H2O+6Co2 Direct sunlight =C6H12O6 (Glucose witch is used as food) +6O2

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The process in which all plants take in sunlight is called photosynthesis. Plants also need water, nutrients, and carbon dioxide to make food for themselves.

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Q: How do plants take in the sun's energy?
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How do plants use the energy from the suns energy to make food?

by photosynthesis

What does the sun do for plants?

The plant feeds and consumes energy from the sun through a system called Photosynthesis. Plants take in the suns energy and convert its energy and uses the energy to keep itself alive. Thats why plants grow towards the light.

Why do plants cannot survive without sun's energy?

Plants use the suns energy to make energy in a process called photosynthesis. The suns energy is used to produce glucose which provides the energy that the plants need to survive through processes such as respiration and expiration.

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Plants - mainly

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The suns energy is converted to sugar through photosynthesis. The plant uses this sugar to grow and create pollen

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What traps Suns energy and makes energy for plants?

Mesophyll Plant cell traps sun energy for plant.

What is the main pigment that plants use to gather the suns energy?

Pigment Chlorophyll

Do animal cells use chloroplasts to trap the suns energy?

No they do not, only plants do.