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Q: What process leaves lactic acid in your body?
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What builds up in muscles after a few seconds of intense activity?

Lactic acid is produced by muscles during intense activity. The human body has a way of removing the lactic acid. When the production of lactic acid overcomes the body's ability to remove it, a side stitch commonly occurs.Regular exercise can improve the body's ability to cope with lactic acid buildup.

What causes high levels of lactic acid in body?

Lactic acid is a byproduct of muscular over exertion.

Where in our human body is lactic acid produced?

As Lactic acid is formed from glucose, it is produced in the stomach of the digestive system

What can lactic acid do to the body?

causes cramping

What fuels are used in the lactic acid system?

It's when your body doesn't have enough oxygen to perform the "normal" process of creating energy, or ATP. Without the oxygen, our bodies perform lactic acid fermentation, which still produces energy but not as much as the one with oxygen. That energy is stored in the form of lactic acid.

What is process of glycolysis?

eccentric The body partially breaks down glucose to produce energy (ATP) and the by-product lactic acid

When the body needs to exercise for long periods of time it generates ATP by what process?

Lactic Acid Fermentation

Where does body get lactic acid from?

Lactic acid is a form of milk acid. It is formed during the break down of glucose in all living organisms.

What substance causes muscle fatigue?

Lactic acid that builds up in the muscle cells

How can glucose affect the pH of the body fluids?

During anaerobic respiration, you get lactic acid in your body. Lactic acid being acid it decreases the pH of your body. After biological oxidation of glucose you get carbon bi oxide. This after dissolution gives you acid in your body.

Does appetite decrease as a result of lactic acid production in the body?

No, it does not. Lactic acid is a temporary respiration mechanism where the body is burning glucose without oxygen. It has no affect on the number of calories are being used in the process, or at least not enough to trigger the hypothalamus into increasing the feelings of hunger.

What does your body release when your muscles are used?

lactic acid