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Because of its polarity, water has the unique property of being able to creep up thin tubes. Plants in particular take advantage of this property, called capillary action, to get water from the ground. This is how water can reach the tops of trees. :)

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11y ago

Basically the properties that make this happen are cohesion and adhesion; adhesion helps resist the downward pull of gravity on the water, while cohesion results in a pulling force caused by evaporation from the leaves is relayed through the tubes all the way down to the roots.

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9y ago

Another contributor said:

Osmosis is a powerful force carrying water and nutrients up a tree or plant stem. Osmosis, draws or pushes, fluids from one area, containing a solution of low concentration, into another area, through a membrane, and into a solution, that has less water by percentage, or a higher concentration, of dissolved substances.

Evaporation is the basis, or driving force allowing the osmosis to occur. By the leaves allowing water to evaporate, they also cause a lack of water in the solution, in the leaves. The solution becomes more concentrated in the leaves. This causes water to move upwards and into the leaves.

Capillarity is a very important effect as well. Most have noticed that when they put a soda straw into a beverage, that inside the straw the liquid level is slightly higher. Then the rest of the liquid in the cup. That effect if you have ever witnessed it, is capillarity.

The smaller the straw, tube or channel, the greater the effect of capillarity. Without this effect, fluids would run down the stem and never reach the top of the plant.

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Q: How do properties of water molecules contribute to the upward movement of water through a tall tree?
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Water molecules will no longer pass through the semipermeable membrane once equilibrium is reached true or false?

False. There will still be movement of water molecules across the membrane, but there will be no net movement. This means that the number of molecules coming into the cell will equal that going out, and equilibrium will therefore be maintained.

What is facillitated diffusion?

Facilitated diffusion is, the movement of specific molecules across cell membranes through protein channels

What is the difference between transpiration and respiration?

Both transpiration and respiration have to do with movement of molecules, but they are different processes. Transpiration is the movement of water that goes through a plant and eventually evaporates from the plant above-ground. Respiration is the movement of oxygen through the body and the expulsion of carbon dioxide.

What is the scientific definition of osmosis?

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules through a selectively-permeable membrane down a water potential gradient.

What is the natural tendency of molecules to spread from an area high concentration to an area of low concentration?

Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration without using ATP (energy). A related term: Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration without using ATP (energy). In contrast, active transport is the movement of molecules from a low concentration to a high concentration but DOES use ATP (energy).

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