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According to The Bible, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. However, it is reported that over ninety per cent of scholars believe that the Exodus from Egypt never really occurred.

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The prophet moses was the man.

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Q: What prophet lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt?
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Who lead people out of Egypt and slavery?

The Bible tells us that Moses let the Israelites out of slavery and into the promised land. Before this, he was an Egyptian prince.

Where did Moses lead the Israelites from when they were in slavery?

From a biblical perspective, Moses helped the Israelites escape from their lives of slavery in Egypt. From a historical perspective, Moses did not help the Israelites escape from anywhere. After all, it has been reported that over 90 per cent of scholars say that there never was an Exodus from Egypt.

Did Joshua bring the Israelites out of Egypt?

Yes, Moses lead the 'children of Israel' out of Egypt.

Who did Moses lead out of Egypt when he became the servant of God?

According to the Hebrew Bible, he lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

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What figure leads the ancient israelites in exodus from Egypt?

Moses lead the Hebrew people out of Egypt.

Did God lead the Israelites through Egypt when he set them free from slavery?

Egypt in the Ancient Period controlled far less land than Egypt in the modern period. Although the Sinai is now part of Egypt, it was not at that point and God did lead the Israelites through the Sinai, but did not direct them in Nile Basin (Ancient Egypt), which the Israelites would have been familiar with and thus would have needed no direction. It is important to note that while maps of Ancient Egypt show it "controlling" the Sinai Peninsula at various points, this "control" was through indirect vassals and tributes, not through a standing infrastructural connection.

Who did god tell to lead the Jews out of slavery in Egypt?


Who did god tell to lead Jews a out of slavery in Egypt?


During Passover who lead the Jewish people out of Egypt?

the Israelites did not leave during passover. When they did leave it was Moses who lead them.

Who led the ancient Hebrews out of slavery?

The person who lead the hebrews out of slavery is Moses. He led them out of Egypt

Enslaved Africans saw similarities between their situation and the Bible's account of...?

the Israelites' slavery in Egypt. They identified with the Israelites' struggle for freedom from oppression and drew strength and hope from their story. This connection helped to fuel their resistance movements and served as a source of inspiration and empowerment.