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The proportion of paternal chromosomes in a human skin cell is 50 percent.

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Q: What proportion of chromosome in a human skin cell are paternal chromosome?
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What are proportion of chromosome in a human skin cell are paternal chromosome?


Is chromosome 19 autosomal or sex chromosome?

Chromosome#19 is autosomal cell when refering to the human system. The #23 chromsomes is the sex cell in the human body system.

How many chromosomes in a cell?

there are 23 chromosome pairs in a human cell

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Smallest to largest: Gene (a place on a chromosome); chromosome (there are 46 in human cells); and DNA (because it accounts for all the genetic material in a cell).

Why is a human cell containing 22 autosomes and a y chromosome a sperm?

Human somatic (body) cells contain two sets of 23 chromosomes. Human gametes (sperm and egg cells) contain one set of 23 chromomes -- 22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome. Only a sperm cell can carry a y chromosome. A sperm cell can also carry an x chromosome. The ovum can carry only an x chromosome, never a y chromosome. So a cell containing 22 autosomes and a y chromosome must be a sperm cell.

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Do human cells have 46 genes?

No. The human cell has 23 chromosome pairs (total 46 chromosomes). Each chromosome has many genes.

What does the bacterial cell reproduce that the human gene codes for?

the bacterial cell reproduces the bacterial chromosome that the human gene codes for.

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The number of genes varies from chromosome to chromosome and the number of chromosomes varies from species to species (from as few as 1 single chromosome per cell to as many 30,000 chromosome pairs per cell). Human cells have 23 chromosome pairs per cell.

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How many chromosome are present in human diploid cell?

46 pairs

How many chromoses are in a human sex cell?

A human sex cell has 22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome (23 total).