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Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion - usually by converting hydrogen-1 into helium-4. Later in their lifetime, some stars will convert helium-4 into heavier elements as well.

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Q: What provides energy in order for stars to exist?
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Why are stars important to man?

One of them provides us with all the energy we use.One of them provides us with all the energy we use.One of them provides us with all the energy we use.One of them provides us with all the energy we use.

What is All matter and energy that exist including earth stars planets and dust?

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The stars you see at night still exist.

Can stars exist outside a galaxy?

Yes, stars can exist outside of a Galaxy, but the majority are within a galaxy.

What kind of power is generated in stars?

Nuclear fusion is the process that provides energy to the stars.The star fuses hydrogen to form helium this is a process that gives out a lot of energy,stars which are more passive than our sun then it fuses the helium atoms to form carbon.

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Do stars really exist?

Yes, stars really exist. One example of a star is the sun in our solar system.

Where does fusion exist?

At the centre of stars.

How does the world gets its energy?

The sun and dead stars.the sun provides energy in the form of light and heat (some of this energy became captured in fossil fuels)stars that died as supernovas more than 6 billion years ago produced the uranium that heats the insides of the earth by radioactive decay and powers nuclear reactors by nuclear fission

What energy does the sun and stars produce?

the energy sun and stars produce is fusion.

Which kind of process supplies the energy for the stars?

The process that supplies the energy for the stars is nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is a process in which atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. In stars, the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium is the primary source of energy. Under the intense heat and pressure of a star's core, hydrogen atoms are fused together to form helium, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the form of light and heat. This process is what allows stars to shine and provides the energy necessary to sustain life on Earth.

What is the purpose of stars?

The stars are energy sources.