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It would fall under irrational fears or phobias I think.

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the cause of arachnophobia are unknown to scientists but some theories state that it could be cultural and result form a survival aspect.

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Q: What psychological disorders would arachnophobia fall under?
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How would you use arachnophobia in a sentence?

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How do you spell arachniphobia?

The word is spelled arachnophobia. The woman's arachnophobia was so bad she climbed atop furniture to get away from spiders. Arachnophobia would certainly make it hard for a person to camp in the wilderness.

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That would not be something they would normally deal with. Eating disorders are psychological and a doctor would deal with the physical aspects of it. A good trainer could certainly be a help in keeping the individual on the program advocated by the Doctors.

An example of a sentence using the word arachnophobia?

The old man, having arachnophobia, was deathly afraid of spiders, and would often scream like a litle girl when he spotted one.

Can psychological disorders be prevented?

In order to prevent a psychological disorder one must first understand what constitutes a psychological disorder. A psychological disorder is characterized by subconscious thinking that is not true resulting in negative emotions and behaviour that cannot consciously be controlled. Many humans have subconscious thought patterns that are not true and have psychological disorders. This distinction is important as most people diagnosed with psychological disorders are diagnosed only after they have difficulty maintaining emotional and behavioral stability. In order to discover how to prevent psychological disorders, one must first be able to change the subconscious mind. It is suggested that humanity is of itself not cable of changing subconscious thought patterns. Otherwise people suffering from negative emotions due to subconscious thought patterns would be able to create positive emotions and therefore all of mankind would be completely happy, peaceful and satisfied. It is suggested that if humans do not have correct subconscious thought and cannot create correct subconscious thought they will always have a psychological disorder unless Someone else creates correct subconscious thought within them. The only way to prevent psychological disorders would be to help an individual gain access to correct subconscious thought (truth or God), thereby preventing the establishment of untrue subconscious thought patterns.

What is Psychology disorder?

Psychological Disorders are found in the DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Text Revised 4) and categorize many psychological health issues that have been specified as such. They are the presence of an abnormal "body" that has to cause distress, impairment in relationships, social life, and occupation. It is very broad to just say psychological disorder as there are many forms. They originate from the mental health of the individual, where their cognition, behaviour, beliefs are thought to stray from the standard deviation of the population. Although they originate in the mind, there are several psychological disorders that manifest and have physical symptoms. An example would be Eating Disorders. They originate from a warped sense of self and body-image, their constant need and desire to lose weight, feelings of inadequacy cause them to have periods of starvation, abnormal behaviour with food, and those will produce physical symptoms of weight loss, anemia, low BP, lugano, tacychardia, etc. Psychological disoders affect about 40% of the North American population at least once in their lifetimes. Depression, Anxiety are among the most common psychological disorders.

What percentage of people suffer from arachnophobia?

Arachnophobia is different to a fear of spiders in the sense that a phobia is a lot more irrational and affects a sufferers life more than a fear. i have arachnophobia and even writing about it is slightly difficult. the one thing i cannot do is look at them or even look at pictures of them. I would say a fear of spiders is common however a phobia of them wouldn't be so common.

What would people with genetic disorders?

there would be lots of different disorders based on there condition..

Which type of psychologist would be most interested in the genetic makeup of an individual?

A genetic psychologist or a behavioral geneticist would be most interested in the genetic makeup of an individual. These professionals study the role of genetics in behavior and psychological traits, such as personality, intelligence, and mental disorders. They investigate how genetic factors interact with environmental influences to shape individual differences in psychological characteristics.