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tobacco, rice, and cotton

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Q: What raw material was grown in southern colonies?
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Besides enslave africans what was brought from the west indies to the colonies?

Goods and raw material was brought from the west indies to the colonies.

What country does the raw material for linen grown in?


Why raw material is the principal purpose of the thirteen original colonies?

tobacco was a big material

How did the use of raw material change after the war?

Raw materials were used by new southern industries.

The seventeenth century theory which viewed colonies primarily as sources of raw material is?

Mercantilism is the economic system where colonies provided raw materials to England.

How did the south's use raw material change after the war?

Raw materials were used by new southern Industries

Why were the colonies important in the theory of mercantillism?

The Colonies were important because they supply Great Britain raw resources and material.

Why were the colonies important in the theory of mercantilism?

The Colonies were important because they supply Great Britain raw resources and material.

The raw material tobacco is grown in the South The factories that make cigarettes are found in the?


How did the colonies make their living?

they became planters and exported crops and/or sold slaves! I am assuming you meant the southern American colonies. The southern areas grew crops and sold the raw materials for profit.

What are the raw materials used for make cotton?

cotton is a raw material it is mainly grown in china or Pakistan but due to floods there the price in cotton has risen

What is difference between raw material and bulk raw material?

raw material bulk raw material