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Systematic, large-scale killings began in 1941. By that stage the Nazis simply took it for granted that the Jews were enemies of Germany, Communists, very dangerous and evil. They did not 'make excuses' or go in for explanations - after all, the genocide was top secret'. They simply did it. Please see the related question.

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that Jews were evil. That they were doing it for the greater good. That they needed to do it to preserve the German way of life.

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Q: What excuses did the Nazis use for killing the Jews?
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Did intelligent Jews get gassed in the Holocaust?

All Jews regardless of any status, were killed by the Nazis, with no exceptions. Some were spared temporarily if they were able to be of some use to the Nazis, but in the end the Nazis wanted them all dead. ___ The fact that the Holocaust involved killing some highly qualified people didn't bother the Nazis in the least.

What is genocide and how did the Nazis use it against the Jews?

A Genocide is the systematic killing of an entire people. The Nazi's used it against the Jews in concentration camps; they killed the entire race of Jews almost, using gas chambers, etc.

How did Hitler use eugenics to kill the Jews?

eugenics, being a theory was used to justify the persecution of the Jews, the killing was debatably a natural outcome of the Nazis' political philosophy (which included eugenics). The very same theories were being used in the US to deny Jews (and others) entry into the US, but there it did not lead to mass murder, eugenics alone can not account for the killing of the Jews.

Why did they send Jews away?

The Nazis 'sent the Jews away' in order to use some of them as slave labour and to kill them.

Why did the Nazis use science experiments on the Jews?

They were intreged witht the human body.

Why did Nazis take Jews to camps?

In order to use them as slave labour and/or to kill them.

What codeword did the Nazis use for their plan to murder all of the Jews?

The "final" solution.

Why did they make Nazi camps?

Instead of killing all the Jews, for money and their possessions, the Nazis thought of a better way to use them so they made them work for them instead of doing the work theirselves, thus saving a lot of time for their plans

What two groups of Jews were immediately killed and why?

The elderly and children as the Nazis had no use for them as slave labour.

Did Nazis use hot water to kill Jews?

it wasnt really a shower, they were actually gas chambers but tricked the jews in thinking they were showers.

How did the Nazis use propaganda toward the Jews?

the Nazis used propaganda to persuade people to support them/join their army against all Jews, gypsies, homo-sexuals, and the mentally and physically challenged people.

How do the Nazis use fear to control the Jews in world war 2?

they killed some to fear the rest