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Prosciutto is an Italian ham that adds a lot of flavour to many recipes. It can be good with many different types of pastas as well as many different types of vegetables.

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Q: What recipes involve prosciutto?
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Some healthy recipes for Thanksgiving include Pear, Prosciutto & Hazelnut Stuffing, Lemon Garlic Roast Turkey and Green Bean Casserole. You can get these recipes online for free at the Eating Well website.

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How do you say prosciutto?

= Prosciutto is pronounced "Pro- Shoot-Toe" =

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What is 'prosciutto' when translated from Italian to English?

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Neither omelets nor prosciutto are Malaysian. The French are credited with inventing the Omelet, while Prosciutto Ham was created by the Italians.

Where can I find spring recipes for seasonal vegetables?

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