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Buddhism and Hinduism were introduced to South Asia by India. Buddhism has gradually declined in India, but it is still very strong in South Asia.

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Q: What religion spread from India to the rest of East Asia?
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What religion spread from South Asia to East Asia?


After Buddhism spread to East Asia why did it vanish from India and Hinduism returned?

because Buddhism is mostly implemented in places like Nepal and Burma as the major religion of India has and will always be Hinduism

Which religion is Not primarily practiced in India?

Taoism, which is practiced in East Asia.

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India and some parts of Asia like Russia and western Asia (Middle East)

In what areas is Buddhism the prominent religion?

The short answer is south-east and eastern Asia.

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Islam religion is spread all over the world. However, Islam religion is major religion in the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia.

What religion spread from south Asia to east Asia between 260 bc and ad 1000?

Buddhism was a religion that spread throughout south and east Asia between 260 BC and 1000 AD. It was one of the first proselytizing religions in the world. It was easily accepted because it claimed to offer an open and universal path to salvation.

Where is Buddhism spread after India?

It first spread to China and Sri Lanka. From China it spread to Tibet, Japan and Korea. From Sri Lanka it spread to the rest of South East Asia.

Where did buhdism start?

Buddhism started in Northern India in about 2500BC. I first spread in India and then China. Since the Buddha's death it has spread throughout most of east Asia, Europe and now the America's. Buddhism is the 4th largest religion in the world.

How the culture of Southeast Asia is influenced by the countries that surround the area such as India and China as well as the colonial influence of the French?

The kingdom in southeast Asia before the colonial time mostly influence by India. The kingdom and the King name is like India. The religion of people in Southeast Asia until today got influence from India and China. Even Muslim in Southeast Asia is not coming from Middle East, but from India Christian is spread to Southeast Asia during colonial time.

Is Buddhism Asian?

Yes. It's a South Asian belief which origionates in India and later spread across South East, and East Asia.

Where did the religion of Judaism spread to by 600ce?

Near East, Middle East, the Mediterranean region, North Africa, southern Europe, western and central Asia.